Sophie The Girafe The Baby’s First Toy That Stimulates All His Senses


The most famous game in the world that stimulates all the senses of the baby!!! Sophie was born in Paris in 1961 and has since conquered the whole world!

More than 50 million children have chewed, chewed, played with a Sophie and remember her fondly!

Sophie is made in France from 100% natural rubber and is the toy your baby will love! It is no coincidence that so many children of celebrities around the world were photographed at a random moment with a Sophie!

Sophie is loved by babies and will soon become your baby’s favorite toy!!!

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Stimulates the 5 senses:


At the age of 3 months, the vision of infants is very limited and can only distinguish great contrasts. The dark and contrasting bulges all over Sophie’s body attract his attention and irritate the baby’s eyesight. Soon the baby visually recognizes Sophie, feels her familiar and reassuring.


The baby rejoices with the whistle on Sophie’s body, but at the same time his hearing is also irritated. At first the funny sound that Sophie makes when she is jealous helps to irritate the hearing, then as the baby grows, it helps the baby to connect the result with his act (cause and effect).


Sophie is made of 100% natural rubber and colors that are also used in cooking and it is perfectly safe for the baby to chew it, as it would with a pacifier or the nipple of a bottle. Its soft texture and its many chewable parts (ears, horns, legs) give the baby enormous relief to his aching gums during teething.


Touch is the first sensation that the baby uses to communicate with the outside world. Sophie’s gentle feeling, like his mom’s skin, stimulates psychological and emotional reactions that soothe the baby and promote his healthy development and euphoria.


The specific smell of rubber, straight from the rubber trees, stimulates its sense of smell and makes it stand out from all its other toys.

Easy grip

Sophie’s shape and size (17 cm) are ideal for small hands. She is very light and her long legs and neck help the baby to easily catch and handle her from the first days of even.
